上次失敗的狗曲奇後, 是日再戰人型曲奇

賣相都係麻麻, 但係絕對可以入口!

今次都係用同一個食譜, 不過就聽馬輝媽講, 舊粉團放入雪櫃15 分鐘, 做模果然係容易好多~

無baby food 存貨, 加左塊American Cheese, 都幾香呀!

自己放入口試過, 有d 硬

但係Sam豬就雙眼發光, 食到'kwak kwak'聲, 好滋味~

我估個cookie 模都係要換… 個賣相覺實過唔到自己0個關…  

而家同Sam豬晌屋企附近個park 玩都要上長繩, 因為會走路!

佢又唔係話走好遠, 只係成日走開, 要我去追~

再加上條腰未好返, 上個星期又PK過, 扯到大脾, 唔可能去追佢, 所以一定唔俾佢free run

樓上好人叔叔見狀, 又送野俾我地!

呢d 原價要十幾廿蚊架, 佢話減價買, $3 執返黎!!

package 都未開, 同埋佢隻狗成130 磅, 用唔著, 無謂0徙~

耐唔耐就送野俾我地, 真係好鬼唔好意思

BTW, 好人叔叔個老婆而家完全俾SamSam熔化左, 對我地勁好! (咩事轉性呢?)

冇計, Sam 同佢地Kate 真係friend 到暈, 次次玩完佢地0個晚都輕輕鬆鬆鄧梓峰, 即刻對我地面口都好晒!

但係佢又唔會好似好人叔叔咁同Sam玩, 所以Sam都係麻麻地鍾意佢架咋


想表達d 乜?



其實0個D 係Sam豬張床0既filling 黎~

本來裡面仲有一層野包住, 不過俾佢玩到爛晒!!!

早幾日拆個cover 出黎洗, 裡面變成咁…

至於佢點玩法, 唔記得又或者miss 左0既, 請收看"SamSam&"

咁想表達0既係: 要買新床啦!

唔放好D 野之過~


Dog eats $400 in cash, but NC woman manages to recover some of it later

APEX, N.C. (AP) — A North Carolina family's dog
didn't eat the children's homework, he ate mom's money. Kelley Davis
said she had an extra $400 in cash to deposit after working extra hours
as a physical therapist. She told the News & Observer of Raleigh
that on Friday she planned to deposit the money, but it wasn't in her

She remembered leaving it in the
bedroom and it occurred to her that the family's 2-year-old greater
Swiss mountain dog, Augie, might have eaten it.

42, said when she took Augie for a walk Saturday, she found parts of
three $100 bills and five $20s in his leavings. She washed them with a
garden hose and hopes to find enough pieces to exchange them for cash.

A professor at the North Carolina State University Veterinary School said the money shouldn't hurt the dog.


一早Sam爸起身就"硬頸", 睇見佢就辛苦~ 冇得休, 要頂硬上, 夜晚9點幾放棄, 打電話返黎話走~ (好早呀!!)


放工同Sam行街, 行左上個斜坡度, 條友見到有狗過, 興奮興奮, 扯低左我… 我條骨呀~


玩完一大輪, 俾左兩塊餅餅佢, 嘔返出黎… 夜晚0個餐又係食完就嘔返一半, 唔知做乜~




是日更新(Mar 18)

Sam爸,'full'左heat pad,好返好多,不過日子依然要過,未可以休息。


Sam,尋晚嘔晒D 晚餐出黎,今早見到廚房又有攤黃色野,應該深夜時分嘔過。俾左上次D 藥佢食,再禁食佢一日,應該會OK。Sam爸話應該係關D 麥片事,以後都唔可以再俾Sam豬食。(師奶Sam媽: 咁剩低0個一大袋點算呀?)