
個情況係,帶佢落街,佢突然間係咁跳起咬手,咁咪好似平時咁choke 佢No 佢囉。


突然… 佢growl, 對住Sam媽出牙!




係咪我… 跟本唔應該養狗??

12 Thoughts on “第一次發惡

  1. 唔好嬲住 !   GOLDEN 本性善良 , 應該唔會咁架 !    我隻 ENERGY ( GOLDEN )  食緊野 , 我仔係佢口 LAW 番出黎都得架 !   當時我仔仲係 BB ,  
    可惜 2005 年已經過身了 !   唉 !   只係養左 17 年  !    我一家都傷心左好耐 !    比我有地方 , 都會再養 GOLDEN 架 ! 
         點解會咁架 ! ?
    [版主回覆09/20/2008 02:55:00]我隻仔係你完全可以响佢口LAW 野,無論食物定玩具佢都唔會GROWL。但係真係唔知點解佢成日都跳高咬手,用左好多方法都係咁…

  2. 唔好灰心. sam sam 仲細..可以慢慢教的!

  3. 佢咁做有佢原因,試下搵下佢點解會咁,不過你千萬唔好放棄呀,加油…

  4. michelle on September 20, 2008 at 2:34 pm said:

    可能佢太興奮先至會咁, 佢仲細, 比d時間佢, 大到2歲才定性架.

  5. (Empty)

  6. 佢可能無心ga~…….
    rocky仔 1 yrs old多d果時都唔聽話ga…

  7. Gobi都好鍾意追住我地隻手玩,好似同o的狗狗玩咬咬咁,可能因為佢由細細開始冇狗仔同佢一齊長大…. Gobi有時反抗都會對住我地發惡,我每次都會狠狠咁教訓佢,俾佢知道係唔岩的,細細個唔教大個左就好麻煩!不過出街街時會咁樣就有o的奇怪,係咪發生左o的事但你留意唔到﹖因為出街街時佢地既專注力應該會去左其他野到….
    [版主回覆09/22/2008 10:15:00]我地而家懷疑佢都係未夠運動量…

  8. 我隻仔一樣﹐我直情返到屋企喊到收唔到聲,好hurt 其實而家仲係puppy,好多時好容易發顛﹐我問過some lab owners, their puppies easily go frantic too!!! 我地有無做錯唔係好關事… 平時要建立我地pack leader's role,when they behave, give them praises lavishly (verbal and touch)﹐  not necessarily treats. 我隻仔好鐘意我rub his head and massage his back, when I ask him to come and he comes with a happy wagging tail, I give me some massage and he loves it~  唔好灰心呀﹐留意咩時候會令拒發顛﹐試下anticipate his actions﹐事發之前去控制拒﹐ 唔好等到真係跳上黎咬你﹐ 唔好灰心呀!加油! 我都係Queens之友 你地平時去邊到放狗多?  我地weekend 會帶Scotchie去Alley Pond Park in Springfield, Scotchie 可以 free run, 不知幾開心
    [版主回覆09/22/2008 10:14:00]Sam係會亡無啦啦跳, 真係唔知點解~ weekend 好多時會返左Staten Island, 特別最近Sam爸weekend 都要返工, 得返Sam & Sam媽, 邊度都無得去~ 不過有機會真係好想見下你Scotchie, Sam爸好鍾意Lab 架!

  9. 呀!唔記得講﹐試下拒跳上黎時就put him in a sit position and make him stay for a min or two, you have to be firm but calm, don't get angry. 如果拒想 出口就用手圈住拒個口﹐通常Scotchie 都會calm down and submit, 千其唔好同拒 鬥力﹐因為你越大力拒會越反抗架﹐而家Scotchie 無跳上黎咬我﹐你都試試啦

  10. COFFEE MILK SKY B LITTLE B on September 23, 2008 at 10:23 am said:

    唔好灰心 , 你發惡時你一定要用堅定的語氣no佢 , 等佢知道邊個係大邊個係細 , btw , sam幾大呀 ?
    [版主回覆09/23/2008 11:04:00]0岩0岩8 個月

  11. 出街跳高咬手好大機會係你用條chock chain用得唔好…….令佢想逃避呢種感覺……..所以你越chock佢越癲……..另外你是否佢一咬你就企定chock佢……你嘗試唔好理佢一直行……..到佢唔跳行幾步就一路行一路比獎賞佢……

  12. I can toally u/stand yr feeling. My golden (sushi) always jump up and bite my hand. My hands are all bruise. I feel so hurt as I treat him like my son. But this is not his fault as he just want more attention and he has too much energy. I feel bad for not able to discipline him. I am planning to bring him to training. But he really is very very sweet.
    [版主回覆10/16/2008 03:54:00]The earlier you train him, the better it is. He's still young, and he does need a lot of exercise, add oil together!

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