



無藥可救… 自己好自為之



而家可以做0既係用一隻$20 美金0既牙膏,希望可以控制住


拎左皮膚sample去做化驗,2 個星期之後再返去…

不過個醫生係咁sell我做雷射去雀斑… 我一向都對呢D 野無興趣,但係就結婚,又好似應該整靚D~


問題"少女"(<–真好意思) 0既問題就係,好唔好做呢?

$800其實話多唔多,話少唔少… 但係如果唔得呢,咁點呀? 爛面0既話,我咪瀬野? 之但係,醫生做又應該好過出面D 甚麼美容院,安全好多wor…


最正係Sam婆婆… "你同個醫生講價呀嘛! 再唔係,叫佢charge 一半落保險,自己俾一半囉"


17 Thoughts on “Risk or no risk, spend or no spend?

  1. Question on May 30, 2009 at 1:14 am said:

    Is 雷射 the same as 彩光?I tried before, it worked, the freckles will be darken in the first few days (because it is burnt), it will be lighten afterward but NOT disappeared. You will have to put on sunscreen and stay away from firect exposure to sun light, otherwise, it comes back very soon.
    [版主回覆05/30/2009 03:12:00]唔知咩係彩光wor… the doctor said the laser will remove it, and only leave some red marks for a few days, but didn't say if they'll be back or not. My freckles are 遺傳…. sigh, don't think it really can be remove completely anyway.

  2. Cherry on May 30, 2009 at 1:58 am said:

    雷射?係咪激光呀?$800港紙定美金?做幾多次架?$20一枝牙膏?咁貴?咩牌子?擦左 d 牙係咪識飛架?我最多都係用$60港紙既牙膏!haha……
    [版主回覆05/30/2009 03:14:00]激光… $800梗係美金啦,一次過搞掂。 牙醫話我會好D wor,睇下係咪咁得~

  3. did you hear about a skin care product called "Dr Obagi". It is very good for removing freckles.  My sis-in-law used to hv a lot of freckles on her face but this product removed them all and they did not come back..
    [版主回覆05/30/2009 06:32:00]未聽過wor… let me research!

  4. C9Ping on May 30, 2009 at 7:14 am said:

    哈哈~~原本個個皮膚科醫生都鍾意叫人做雷射去斑。我識一個喺唐人街L 姓女醫生佢都成日Sell 雷射去斑…..
    [版主回覆05/30/2009 19:32:00]呢d 先搵到$ 呱

  5. Bon Bon on May 30, 2009 at 9:54 am said:

    [版主回覆05/30/2009 19:33:00]個醫生就死都話只係會有紅印囉

  6. Kinder Yeung on May 30, 2009 at 11:41 am said:

    [版主回覆05/30/2009 19:34:00]呢位朋友好熟咁wor…

  7. 珍妮花 on May 30, 2009 at 4:04 pm said:

    我的 雀斑都越來越嚴重   唉…  少少雀斑… 化妝都遮到…  一個唔好彩敏感紅到一撻撻的話… 化妝未必遮到, 到時喊都無用.  所以… 我覺得做 laser 始終有 risk …… 係做都結婚後先啦.
    [版主回覆05/30/2009 19:36:00]其實我就係驚會一pat pat 遮唔到…

  8. 小仙 on May 30, 2009 at 4:09 pm said:

    [版主回覆06/01/2009 21:56:00]好驚~~~~~~~

  9. 兔仔 on May 31, 2009 at 1:06 am said:

    彩光既能量比laser低. 不過你o係室外行禮,會唔會曬兩曬返返黎架?
    [版主回覆06/01/2009 21:51:00]呢度唔覺有彩光

  10. bacon on May 31, 2009 at 6:03 pm said:

    [版主回覆06/01/2009 21:51:00]係真係驚多d 囉

  11. 一次看兩次醫生怕唔怕兩種藥有問題呀
    [版主回覆06/01/2009 21:49:00]牙醫同皮膚科唔多關事… 牙醫都唔會俾藥架啦

  12. pris on June 2, 2009 at 2:09 am said:

    well, i don't oppose to it, if it's going to make you happier, why not? just do it a few months before your wedding day to avoid any bad results that may linger~
    [版主回覆06/02/2009 02:18:00]wai~~~~~ welcome back, how's the first day at work? everyone here is opposing it, haha, i guess i'll wait after if i am really gonna do it

  13. pris on June 2, 2009 at 2:46 am said:

    thanks, it's tough as usual on the 1st work day~ try to relax, but work's been piling up…. sigh…
    [版主回覆06/02/2009 02:52:00]add oil!! time flies when u got work, is boy boy coming home today?

  14. pris on June 2, 2009 at 3:14 am said:

    we got him back last night, around 8pm, he smelled so good, they bathed him before returning him, nice…
    but i was going to ask them whether they fed him two meals a day as i told them, because i bagged his food into each meal and there should only be one bag left but there were a few left?! I think they might have skipped feeding him some meals…
    [版主回覆06/02/2009 03:16:00]yea, email judy and ask her lor… last time, i think they overfeed samsam, coz they told me that they had to feed him their food which it is impossible that i count every single cup when i bag the food! i'll call u later tonight and talk la

  15. pris on June 2, 2009 at 3:44 am said:

    hmmm…. interesting….
    may be they think Scotchie is too fat so they fed him less, and Sam skinny so they fed him more?? haha…

  16. COFFEE MILK SKY B LITTLE B on June 2, 2009 at 5:17 pm said:

    我最最最怕去睇牙醫 , 腳都軟埋

  17. Winkie on June 3, 2009 at 6:03 pm said:

    聽講雀班真係無得搞, 因為去左, 都會出返ga wor. 搏唔過.

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